Hotels in Madinah near Al Haram


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Hotels in Madinah near Haram

If you are planning to visit Madinah as part of your Umrah trip, Halalbooking has developed unique Umrah Features which will help you to locate hotels in Madinah close to Haram (Masjid an-Nabawi). Here’s how to use these unique filters to plan and book your Umrah experience.

How to find the best hotels in Madinah near Haram

Many of those visiting Mecca (Makkah) for Umrah, also decide to spend some time during their stay in Medina (Madinah). Naturally, one of the features which ranks highly with Umrah visitors is to find hotels close to Haram. Madinah is also home to many other important Islamic sites, such as the Quba Mosque, Mount Uhud and Jannat al-Baqi but booking a Madina hotel near Haram is still the top priority for many visitors. So, if you’re looking for Medina hotels near haram (Masjid an-Nabawi) then Halalbooking’s new Umrah features will definitely help narrow down your search.

What’s the best way to use the Umrah filters to find hotels in Madinah near Haram?

First you should enter Medina as your destination in Halalbooking’s holiday search, then put in your dates of travel. The result will be a list of hotels in Madinah – in addition to the halal features you will also see Umrah Features. One of these filters shows which hotels have Haram view rooms – naturally these will be hotels close to Haram. Madinah hotels with this feature also display the direction in which the hotel is facing. You will be able to see whether the hotel is North-facing, South-facing or East-facing. This tells you whether you will be looking towards the Masjid an-Nabawi or not, when you pray in your room, facing towards the Kaaba, which is in the south. Once you have your list of hotels in Madinah near Haram (Masjid an-Nabawi) you can select the one which best suits your budget and other requirements.

How to find a list of hotels in Madinah near Haram to suit my budget

Halalbooking features almost 150 Medina hotels so you are sure to be able to find one to suit your requirements. Once you have applied the Haram view rooms filter to your search you will be left with a full list of hotels in Madinah near Haram which are close enough to Masjid an-Nabawi to be able to have some room types with a direct view. You can then use the Stars filter to narrow down your selection to show only 5 star hotels in Madinah near Haram; 4 star hotels in Madinah near Haram or 3 star hotels in Madinah near Haram depending on your available budget and the type and standard of hotel accommodation and facilities which you require.